Friday, July 30, 2021


(Why not?) 作ってもらったが、毎回この通帳は使えませんとATMで言われ、


Sunday, July 25, 2021

"Lipstick Jungle" is gone from U next


I like romantic drama whatever people say....  And have been watching this recently at U next.  But without warning, it's gone from U next...maybe from what I can see since log in page has changed already.

But because of this, if I stop subscription, it's a loss of U next.  So that they wouldn't sue these hackers?
Why not?  And if I start paying (Still first month free) they gonna take that money into their account, too.
And if mine was stopped like this, how I can keep watching?  And do I have to go to Netflix?  That's the Chinese business.  Hacking other companies like this, and they offer good service like Softbank?  How long democratic world allow this?  If we are just watching what they do, all business was taken by Chinese business.

My job too.  I finished training period and then, the number of my shift was lowered than training period.  Almost nothing.  32 hours a month!  😣   How we can make living by this?   And they tell people you can go back after 10 minutes stay.  Are they paying transportation for 10 minutes to students?  For what?  Why they hire 10 min people?  But that's what they do too.  To go to toilet?  😑  Ye Jin spirit is there always by the way.   And who are faked by this yet, seriously?

Tuesday, July 20, 2021



読み終えました。政治も疫病も隠蔽工作の中、ここまで追跡して書いてくださったことに感謝いたします。多分アメリカの人も読んでくださるのでは? 英語翻訳して出版されることをお勧めします。😅  日本より売れそう。

私の見ているTwitterなんて武漢ウイルスの話題があってあるような、なんて思っていたら、すぐに消されていただけなんだと納得しました。二階さんが自民党に、そして公明党がいる以上、本来の自民党を維持したい方達はもっと自分達だけで家の中で会議でもしないと、どこもかしこも監視カメラだらけで難しいのでは? と思いつつも隠す必要のない話は逆にもっと堂々と国民を守る為に豪語してもいいのではとも思います。

何故日本でここまで感染が抑えられたか? やはりアメリカ人は外出禁止だからって本当に家に閉じこもってた人なんて少ないのでは? と思いました。ケーブルがないとテレビが映らないほど国土が広く、全ての国民に情報が行き渡らないほど貧困層も多く。。。  ドラッグまみれの人達がどこで情報をゲットして自宅謹慎するのかという疑問もあります。ヤク切らせないから常に歩き回ってますよ。。。😑 学校閉鎖してもご飯作らないから子供達は給食だけ学校に取りに行くとかよく分からないこともしてたし、安倍政権だけが失敗という訳ではないと思います。誰がやっても中国の生物兵器対策として最初から対策を練れない以上は難しいのでは? 

遺伝子組み換えで出てきた以上、武漢ウイルスが生物兵器でない理由はどこにあるのでしょうか? 懸念も何もフランスが中国と研究を勧めた以上、フランスは懸念なんてしてないでしょう? 

自分が思うのはどこの国でも国防相は中国と手を組む余裕なんてないですよね。逆に内閣でちゃんとやるとトランプや安倍さんのように中国とメディアが一体となって引きずり下ろしてくる訳でしょう? その人たちを国民がどこまで信頼して守っていけるかということです。

スキャンダルや政策失敗なんていくらでも作られるし、実際起こりうるでしょうけど、トランプがどれだけボロカス言われても、彼が話せば会場は満員ですよ。バイデンに人は集まらないでしょう。安倍さんが公的な場で語れば人も集まるんじゃないですか? 問題は自由と民主主義を守ろうとしているのか、そうでないかではないでしょうか? 

あと議員の方も地方の話や消費税の話しかしないと国民は誰に投票したらいいのか分かりません。お年寄りはテレビしか見ないから難しいけどネットで知ってる若者がお年寄りに教えてあげるしかないのでは? 🙄😅 本は読むでしょうから、こういった本でもおじいちゃんにプレゼントしてあげてください。読む時間いくらでもありますから。。。 うちの母は本も読まないのでかなり手ごわいですけど。。。😑



Friday, July 16, 2021

The problem is

that I am used to the forced labor after I got in UC.  So even if my company is doing this half with more controlling than other companies in general in Japan, I know it, but I worked too much under the name of volunteering.  And even if I tried to find the job in the world, I cannot get it any outside of their control.  First of all, if I go to the other companies, they made decision before I go to the interview with their threat or something behind me.  So that I am only hired by them related companies because they know how to block me from getting the normal job.  Also cannot be paid properly.  We have to be there earlier for nothing without being paid too.   or overwork too much without overwork time wage.  So that's Chinese way.   Chinese people or those who work only in their organization, never know that it's not normal.

Since I worked at many places as seasonal jobs, I know how they hiring usually.  Did original CEO sold the company itself to them?  Not all of them or everything?  Partially was bought by them before I went, and now all?  By violence or threat?  So government couldn't or didn't handle it, although they knew it anyway.

So that US became more strict to those Uyghur labor related companies.  

Yet I don't know how I can get out from them since they are following me all over the places in US and in Japan.  Not just living area, but also all working places literally after I divorced.   Me and him must be good foods to hook up more fishes.  😑

By the way they are eating somewhere pretending me and my coworkers too.  I saw it in my dream.  They cannot use their own physical appearance to go out?  Pigs...  Stop eating too much here and there.  Whatever you do, could you use your identity at least?  No such freedom by your own crimes?

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Money is moving through my mom's old phone.

I checked her old phone which is supposed not to be connected with internet.  But since we have WiFi here, they can connect anytime?  She is still acting meanly, strangely, continuously, too.  Is she real one here?  How it's possible since the real one cannot send any text messages, didn't know how to send text at all.  Nor checking.  I don't know the name of this person in the photo, but I cannot silence because of the amount of money.  To MitsuiSumitomo Bank.  It's a major biggest bank in Japan and they move money there.  Using my mom's docomo mail....  Government knows about it, don't they?  There are many texts inside her phone which sounds younger by their way of speaking.  Herself has never used and older dates must be recent ones because I checked her phone when we switched into new ones.

Please scan the content USA!  Japan won't do it anyway.  Her docomo mail is this as below.

Because I didn't connect my iPhone to internet, they use hers now, I guess.  

Sunday, July 11, 2021

"Gengangere" Ibsen


I read this and it's hard to understand what this story meant...   but Ibsen's theme is always one, that's what I could understand at least.   The wife got married for money so that husband cheated a lot.  And their son became sick by the dead father.  The son looks like the victim of the father after he died.   It will be the real case in our reality too?

Don't know why critics focus on the relationship within closed lineage too much and ignoring what's more important in this story.  Ibsen is writing about the hypocrites like the pastor here or like their marriage.  But my interest is in ghost... many critics doesn't mention about these things but many stories were written about these things too.  I am just curious how they affect us, and did the author know about it?

Because they interfered me a lot, I would like to know exactly who affected my life since my birth.  My father died already but my life was affected by them before his death.  Yesterday I saw the Downton Abby movie version and read this one today.  In both stories, the child outside of the marriage appeared.  Is this related to me?  Or just my doubt...😑😱😣  Not me but someone in my ancestors?  Japanese family registrations have been hiding these children.  Then, where are they in the society?   Mother side have the one without father's name?   I don't know how European families are recorded, though.  Americans have just birth certificates so that they might not have more longer family record.  I don't know about it exactly.

Friday, July 9, 2021




ちなみに自分に化けても色々行動されてる夢を見るくらいですから、本当に冗談ではありません。服だってベルーナが私の買ってるのと同じのを大量に安売りしてますよ。自分の姿を使って写真や映像など作られてもキツネがやってると言い張ってください。前にも書きましたが私も含め、誤ちは誰にもあるし、弱点がない人は神様だけです。いい意味で開き直って、国を売るのはやめましょう。。。🐷  美女の中身。。。



Wednesday, July 7, 2021



Wow... Is this a real story?  That's why....   Truly respect Norwegians, real people with real mind, aren't they?  And Jews and Palestinians too.   And how about now?  The problem is that there are always some people who put fights behind us.  No one wants the war, obviously.  But why they started the fight?  With their anger, hatred, and the past.  If we want peace, then, we have to forget the past.  That's what this movie said, maybe.  If someone started the fire, we have to stop that person whoever he or she is.  Despite of their nationality, because we don't know which country the one is from, really.  That's what I thought.




ココム (対共産圏輸出統制委員会)
COCOM    They suggested if we can recover this kind of organization.

半導体、レアアース 守るべき技術が中国依存から抜けれるように

オールワシントン 対中警戒
WHO  テドロス事務局長は中国の代理人

Partial Disengagement  or decoupling
5G, 半導体の最先端、量子コンピューターの技術



北朝鮮 北の住民と北の政府は分けて、
中国 中国教党と中国国民を分けて、
日本 反日勢力と我々は分けて、

Saturday, July 3, 2021

I started watching streaming channels at last.

It might be only in Japan.  This one, U-next.  But I watched my favorite one first anyway.

It was soooo nice to see them together again.
And caption is Japanese this time so that I could get it clearer, the content...😅
I can read some Japanese magazines by this contract too like Amazon Prime...
The timing was good to see this since I was down today at last again... with block of my way as always....
Envy them to have done such wonderful job in their life....
They must have saved millions of people by laughing....🤣
I didn't know that Monica was on Family Ties too since I was watching it but don't remember anything now...😖  So she made me laugh so often maybe...

There is not so many magazines in U next but there is one...  "Screen"  That's the movie magazine!  My father used to buy it and me too when I was young.  His old collection must be a treasure but maybe book off took so cheap...or still somewhere in my house?

Friday, July 2, 2021


あっちに行けば、やりたくない内容の仕事をさせられるでしょう。まあPRの時もフライヤー一枚でもああだこうだ言われてこれ以上のストレスはないというくらいだったから、好きなことほど自分のやりたいように全く出来ない状態にさせられると仕事どころではなくなります。。。  既に経験済みだから大体予想がつくし、やり直しばかりでじゃあ自分でやればって言いたくなるくらい意味もないやり直しの連続。

こう言えばイエジン達の控えている上尾には行きたくないというのは理解してもらえるでしょうか? 電話の意味のないやり取りどころでは。。。  もう家売る準備し始めてるでしょう? 普通今の時期には絶対売れる筈ないけど、背後に中国マネーが動いてるから可能なのかな? 
