Friday, July 16, 2021

The problem is

that I am used to the forced labor after I got in UC.  So even if my company is doing this half with more controlling than other companies in general in Japan, I know it, but I worked too much under the name of volunteering.  And even if I tried to find the job in the world, I cannot get it any outside of their control.  First of all, if I go to the other companies, they made decision before I go to the interview with their threat or something behind me.  So that I am only hired by them related companies because they know how to block me from getting the normal job.  Also cannot be paid properly.  We have to be there earlier for nothing without being paid too.   or overwork too much without overwork time wage.  So that's Chinese way.   Chinese people or those who work only in their organization, never know that it's not normal.

Since I worked at many places as seasonal jobs, I know how they hiring usually.  Did original CEO sold the company itself to them?  Not all of them or everything?  Partially was bought by them before I went, and now all?  By violence or threat?  So government couldn't or didn't handle it, although they knew it anyway.

So that US became more strict to those Uyghur labor related companies.  

Yet I don't know how I can get out from them since they are following me all over the places in US and in Japan.  Not just living area, but also all working places literally after I divorced.   Me and him must be good foods to hook up more fishes.  😑

By the way they are eating somewhere pretending me and my coworkers too.  I saw it in my dream.  They cannot use their own physical appearance to go out?  Pigs...  Stop eating too much here and there.  Whatever you do, could you use your identity at least?  No such freedom by your own crimes?

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