Monday, May 31, 2021







例えば人は亡くなったら人生の全ての記憶を映画のように見るという話を聞いたことが何度かありますが、これは私達の脳に全てが記憶されているということですよね。宇宙に行った人とか、浦島太郎の話は分かるのですが、同じ空間で行ったり来たりっていうのは何なのでしょう? 宇宙人ってこんなことも出来るんですか?


Sunday, May 30, 2021

【DHC】2021/4/15(木) 有本香×石平×居島一平【虎ノ門ニュース】



この記事は事実ですか? そして社会主義だったモンゴルが東欧崩壊の影響で、1992年にモンゴル国になって、社会主義を完全に放棄。そして日本への好感度が増して、今や相撲や自衛隊参加もあり。そして南モンゴルがいつからこの言語を奪われるようになったかというと1950年代?

よく理解できていなかったのですが、この地図がウイグルだけでなく、ジェノサイドに遭っている民族をよく表しているようです。日本も長年取り組んできていて一番よく状況を理解している人々が多いはずなのに、未だにジェノサイド認定出来ないというのは、何故でしょう? そして、いくらなんでもそれを阻止する人々は日本人なんでしょうか? 立憲でも共産党でも自民党でも、どういう言い方をして反対するのでしょうか? そんな事実はありませんって言う中国の隠蔽作戦ですか?


あとやはりコンピューターというかAI部門を攻略しないと犠牲者とスパイの区別がつかなくなるので、在日の人たちの出身国と職業リストを、特に南モンゴル、ウイグル、チベットの人たちがスパイなしリストをしかるべき所へ提出出来れば政府も迅速に安全確保と職業確保に対応しやすいのではないでしょうか? 中国に書類を取りに帰る必要がなくなる為に、一旦は帰化してもらうと対処しやすいと思います。スパイはあまり帰化しないと。。。?

Friday, May 28, 2021

A letter from a new Pen Pal

Did I mention that I wrote letters to a Finnish and Norwegian where I cloud find online pen pals?
I got a letter from Finland yesterday.

She gave this wooden key holder.  The wooden part was broken but I could fix by glue...
Stamp, and these things are soooo Scandinavian...and I like this.

I didn't hide my address intentionally so that a fake in the next door cannot pretend myself...
This is where myself live and I have never visited neighbors house at all. I don't know whom they are actually faking...  other neighbors or their people or UC members....I could hear my voice from neighbors anyway, speaking something.

When I asked this pal's last name, they made it double, yet since I thought it's strange, I wrote only once without repeat.  So her name is no repeating name, but the right side of her address sticker was cut off.

Post Office delivery person here doesn't look good neither though they post their job opening.  Or are they switching into a bad one to do these things continuously?

Anyway, I like Finnish designs....  That's why I put this...

Yet I realized there is no country stamp here nor in the back!  😨

これどう思いますか? 消印無しで届いたフィンランドからの手紙です。まず切手が一枚?って疑問はありましたが。。。そこはお国事情が分からないので。でも同封してあったキーホルダーは割れてたのを自分がくっ付けました。この封筒は自分がペンパル紹介ブログみたいなのを見ていてそれにそっくりだったので、ちょっと変にも思ったんですが。。。自分が母親に送った手紙も切手が変えられていて、でも消印は付いていたので、アメリカサイドの郵便局にやられたとは思うのですが、今回は消印もないので日本の若葉駅の郵便局がやったのか知りたいところです。配達募集のチラシまで郵便局から来てましたけど。


Thursday, May 27, 2021

My link was erased at twitter on the way

That's how I was logged out from and signed in which is not official site.
So that myself seem to use unofficial Chinese site, isn't it?

This is inserted while I am trying to open automatically.  
I thought it's Japanese but on twitter, only will appear.  
So which is official?

Basically they made a bunch of domains for one site where they can make our copy site easily.
webnode is made in Czech Republic, yet they have, too.

And I cannot this URL at all on my twitter page.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

For Australia

Looks like that Japanese kids have good friendship with Australian kids!  Wish more schools have such good relationship each other.

頑張っている台湾やオーストラリアと子供達もこうやって交流しながら、友情を深め合うっていうのは素晴らしい企画ですよね。特にスポーツを通じてっていうのがまた健全でいいかも。。。イギリスとかも英語圏って入りやすくていいかも。。。 フィリピンも結構英語使ってるけど、日本人も彼らくらい英語出来るようになったらいいですよね。日本の英語教育ってちょっと上達出来ないのには理由があったのでしょうか?


Sunday, May 23, 2021


I don't know if SSK is good or bad, but since they have design contest of gloves, I tried.  But my instagram was totally blocked to upload my photo, I will put here just to show someone.  It's ok because I am not interested in getting their reward which is my own designed glove...  I decided my target home run hitter Nakamura kun for the design since we have to choose one of their recommendations and his team is connected with my company too.

If you go to SSK website and put this design number, you could buy this, I guess. 😑  Once I write like this, I could realize that I just designed for the company for free....😓  This design costs more than ¥50000, anyway.  Whatever, I cannot upload this because my app became just black...  Myself couldn't upload anything to instagram so far but my face.  Zero post from me for this reason.

How my HP was hacked

I tried to edit my website of Japanese version.  When I put my home phone number, they changed my phone number into the linked one continuously.  My editing version was cms.e....something like this, but when I tried to change my linked number, I didn't miss to see that address was changed into cms.a on the way.  And when I checked cms.a,  it was English version site of Jimdo homepage builder.

So they are watching me at the same time and could change my page at the same time using English site.  Means that they have my site in this address too, isn't it, since I cannot take the same domain name for two jimdo sites.  And they stopped us to use Japanese cell phone email address for Jimdo sites.  They can keep hacking my icloud mail but cannot do it for our cell phone numbers?  I don't know which is which but let me see if I can get any message from my site.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

What I wonder is how to sell online.

 I liked cute things since I was a child.  And when Felissimo, girls were happy to see their catalogs.  BUT they sell the same things each month by changing color and we have to subscribe their monthly delivery...😑  Like even one towel....  for example if we like some design, we have to get the same or similar design towel in the same shape every month....   Cannot buy only one but the large thing or expensive things.  If I like some plate, and even if the total number is ok with same shape, I have to wait for it to get them all since they send each every month by subscription only....takes five months if I want to five...

For this reason, I couldn't buy any thing and they keep the same style to sell their things still.  Do they really want to sell them?  Some grandmas might buy in this way, but how about our generations and younger ones?  If you can get the same style clothings for 12 months, who wanna buy it?  They sell catalogs but do they really sell their things too?  I don't get it.  I checked online and they sell in the same way.

Also my company doesn't sell XS or S size tops even though here is Japan, and there are many small size people like me, and the company is old company.  And they sell many together so that I cannot buy one even if I like one of three without choice.  They might save delivery fee so that?  But I don't think that's the only reason.  If I like some bras even if they sell together, I cannot find matching under to this...

Are they seriously selling or not?   How about shoes?  My size is always out of stock in many shops.  But even if my size is not majority size, why they don't sell with demands?   This is not only Japan but US too,  always XS is gone at first because we need them but they don't sell a lot.  Why?   

What kind of marketing are they doing?  Are they seriously trying to sell things?  Obviously any stupid people can see what they can sell, but they don't sell enough.  Why???   My mother, and I had to go to Ginza to find our size shoes....   Even online they are still out of stock mostly.   In many companies.

英語で長々書きましたが、なぜどの会社もXS, やSサイズは売らないのでしょうか? もちろんニーズがMやLに比べて少ないのは分かりますが、日本の人口の15パーセントくらいはいるでしょう? 何故作らないのでしょうか? アンソロポロジーでもアメリカでいつも最初に売り切れていくんですが、オンラインだと特にデザインがいいのはすごい勢いで。。。どれが売り切れるかオンラインの世の中だけにあっという間に分かるでしょうに、何故増量しないのでしょうか? あ、思った通りこれは売り切れた。。。なんでしょうか? 売り切れっていうのがマネッジメントとして聞こえがいいんでしょうか?

ユニクロ打たれ始めましたが、(あ、自分も打ってるけど。。。) アメリカでは少なくともいつもサイズばっちりでした。日本ではやっぱりSが昔はなかったけど、今はあるのかな? 近くにあるのに見てません。ウイグル撤退してくれたら行きます。でも何か堂々と中国推してなので、多分撤退する気はないのでしょうけど。。。 他企業に変な売り方させて、中国賛同会社だけサイズばっちり売ってる? GAPも結構サイズあったんだけど、ここはいいのか悪いのか知りませんが、Syracuseでもなくなってたし、川越もなくなったらしいから、やはり何か背後であるのでしょうか?

衣料作ってるのが中国だから入荷出来ないか量を作れないって言われるのでしょうか? 本当に疑問なので、誰か真相究明してください。。。

Friday, May 21, 2021

The books I read and liked recently.








Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Teskjekjerringa på camping



Monday, May 17, 2021

Took a long time to have WiFi

I got it at last.  Since Japanese major provider took too long time to have light fiber construction,  I had to wait for more than one month to have WiFi at home after being released from two weeks stay at home for Chinese virus.  Even their line connection was twisted and couldn't get it right away.  Also when I had contract with them at mall, they showed our roofs in neighborhood (like google map) and there is a big Z mark on the roof of my next door.  😱  Construction was horrible so that our fiber line had to go over outside in their side instead of inside of my house as previous phone line which was supposed to be used in the same way.  My house had even two phone lines strangely.  

My house had cable line for nothing too by paying since my mother didn't watch any extra program besides basic channel...  had to pay remove their line and still has left over line demanded more payment.  After removed their contract, they came to tell me that we can watch their tv without monthly payment...😑

Cancelled NHK BS too.  Threw away their antenna.  But had to pay a lot only to have normal antenna to see basic tv only.  ¥60000.  Whatever can save ¥2000 a month from now on.

Started at call center?  for telephone shopping, called Belluna.  They are an old company for clothings, bags before online shop starts.  Customers are elders mostly like my mother who doesn't have internet to order something.  They use still fax, postcard, and phone, still in this world...🙄   I am used to phone call work, and their call center is just four stations away (10 minutes ride) from my house, I decided to apply.  Three months are practice period so that only four hours work four days a week for now.

Compared with my previous experience for sales of student news papers, it's just easy spiritually to take order from customers only even if there are many things to learn...  

My relatives are kind and my hair perm was done at my aunt's hair cutter.  Send a small packet to my kids but cannot know when it arrives since less air planes goes overseas now.  Tried to find pen pals to avoid hacking and found one Finnish and one Norwegian.  But it looked already interfered by them, yet I sent letters to each address.  

While I was away from internet, I found my old books and started to read though there are some unknown writings in my old notebook.  They checked all my stuff while I was away.  Do they have the key of my house or how it's possible?  I saw even my aunt figure went to the next house.  What is this?  My mother lost her memory in many things about what we did together.  Even my coworker too.  

I cannot get it at all.  What they speak is changing while we are talking too.  Are they listening to some voices of them and following it?  

One time something happened too.  I was cutting rotten step stool which termite appeared!  Was sawing each wood one by one and it took for a long time and exhausted.  When I started another one but found a bug, 🕷 I watched it.  And when I turned back to my wood, they cut was bigger, I mean, advanced a lot.  Is that time slip or what?  advanced 5cm in a moment? 😵

By the way, we have to pay ¥120000 for termite which appeared all of sudden for their termination, though the terminator whom I found looked good.  He came for just cleaning other termites inside the ceiling light which my mom found, not telling me, yet he nor me knew why she called him for the second time exactly...she excused me since I might scare a lot once I realize them...  didn't notice with my bad eyes at all...  I told her not to call for this kind of things which I could handle (like clean up...) but she said it's ok....   don't think so but Japanese grandmas might be like this...

My iPad has been hacked by many without WiFi, good or bad, yet my memo was read only in Japan and US, not from Norway, I guess.  Gratulerer med dagen!

やっとDocomoヒカリが開通しました。長かった。。。😖 プロバイダーは勧められるままにぷららなんですが、どうでしょう? ところで近所に豚が化けた河童がいるのでしょうか? どんなに見た目が変わってもZの家にいるのはイエジンの長女。。。と思われます。男でも女でも宇宙人だから。。。