It's difficult things and and I think that our dreams has three kinds.
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Interpretation of the dream
Saturday, March 20, 2021
Speak with someone
We got hurt by them intentionally. Maybe all of us. If you are politicians or their kids, you might have gotten more. But talk each other. Everyone knows who is wrong. That's the reality. But the matter is whether you can speak up for yourself or for your friends, or for your families.
It happens all the time, everywhere, any time, I just didn't realize that many were happened by them. Surprisingly, they have been working even when I was a kid! Bullying is happening all of sudden from nowhere and involve many people with speed. I spoke up always, when I realized it, even to my friends when they were doing wrong things to other friends. Of course it takes courage, and they are group of people usually, aren't they? If you cannot have such a courage by yourself, just find someone who can stand up for you as my friend came to me. There is definitely always someone who can help you if you speak up. Just don't shut up by their threat.
Even if we are wrong with something, there is no right to accuse you by a group. Chinese people, and those who got involved by them, are bullying you so intentionally, here and there. They are always watching us, listening to us, but we have to speak to our people.
And mostly, we know who are working for whom. Watch this drama if you can. Myself stopped on the way before since myself got too much at that time and scared of being affected by this content. Now started to watch again. And I got the reason why we had better watch this now. If you shut up, you might kill yourself or make someone kill themselves. "I could have stopped." The boy said in the drama, who couldn't prevent friend's suicide and did it by himself too. I can stop. That's why I write. We can stop. That's why we speak up for Uyghur too. The things are not always just in schools, but more in our society too.
If you need more courage, just try to watch this. This gonna help you. But if you are too scared, don't need to see this but talk to someone.
この「13の理由」日本のNetflixでも配信してますか? ちょっと強烈すぎて以前途中で見るのを断念したんですが、見たらいいという声に従って見始めました。今見て納得なのは、レイピストの少年が親の権力を盾にして、あるいはグループの人間を巻き込んで、嘘で、レイプ被害者の少女や、その真実を知っている友人達を次々に彼らの言われたくないことをかざしながら、いじめて脅して、自殺まで追い込んでいくという話だからです。
学校でいじめにあう、仕事をクビにすると脅される。あなただけではありません。思っている以上に多くの人が彼らによって受けていることです。英語ではキャンセルカルチャーと呼んでいましたが、ああ思い出せない。虎ノ門ニュースで藤井さんが正にこれだ!という言葉を日本語でこのキャンセルカルチャーを表現してくれていたんですが、こっちの日本語の方が正に!だったのに、思い出せません。。。😰 共産主義を表す的確な言葉だったんですけどね。。。
Friday, March 19, 2021
Don't make communists use public money of the democratic world.
China use US or other nations scholarship money to educate their people. Too many immigrants like drug dealers, children without parents, teens with sexually abused, they sent these people with problems here, to use US money to feed their people. Amnesty? Not just closing our schools, businesses with China virus, but they keep using public money 💰in the democratic countries for them, just to weaken the democratic world.
Maybe to decrease military cost of ours.
嘘の戸籍や家系図までネットで出してきて、中国系議員の素性を隠そうとしていますが、夫婦別性から戸籍制度をなくしたい彼らの意図は、自分たちの本来の国籍隠しでしょう。二重国籍が禁止の日本で、何故二重国籍を保有して議員が出来るのか、何故誰も突っ込まないのでしょうか? いつから国会議員は法律に従わなくて良くなったんですか?
JALやANAが去年の2月3月から、東京ーウラジオストック線を開通して、中国ロシアルートを完全にオープンしてますが、オリンピック延長決定の前後ですか? 私達日本人は戦後十分、マスコミと学校教育で洗脳されて来ましたが、インターネット社会で、世界から日本を見るとどれだけ洗脳されていたのか、一層ハッキリと分かります。
アメリカ人も自分もそうですが、皆完璧な聖人ではないです。ですがジェノサイドは反対です。大量殺人、生きている臓器移植、強制労働、子宮コントロールには反対です。日本企業は一刻も早く撤退して、私達がMade by Uyghur を買わずに済むように、民主主義を守りたい議員の方々とどこかで話し合ってください。接待費用でマスゴミに騒がれても、それくらいうるさいの一言で跳ね除けられるぐらいの自由を、自分達でまず確保出来るくらいでないと、国防なんて夢のまた夢でしょう。
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Ratcrliffe Report
Thanks for Mei san, she gave us a link to this report about the election, in which it is explained about the intervention of China.
I keep this to read later since it said read free for 30 days.
Biden was obviously not qualified as a candidate for Americans but immigrants like us are deceived easily so that he tries to bring more ignorants....😣😱
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Information Disclosure
Now countries are increasing military power, and what we need together with this must be information disclosure to people, I mean, officially.
For example, I heard US has a list of CCP spies and many of Japanese politicians are included there. Then I can understand why they don't do anything to genocide of Uyghur. The worst thing is that they are related to Uyghur organ transplantation. If politicians are related with this more directly, then, of course, they don't do anything. And big money are moving through rich people, and doctors for this. What a scary structure and if we know about this, how we choose such people as our representatives of our countries? We are manipulated enough and now we have a right to know. And of course, it will be easier and faster to stop or limit their actions, and this must be much faster than using military power.
Korean people had negative side effect by Covid 19 vaccines, 33% from 18000 people. And 20's got most. Who goes to the military there? Them. So we can guess, the target of covid-19 vaccine is the younger people those who can be military power. This is in Japanese but if someone can translate...
Monday, March 15, 2021
What we need to know as people in the democratic world.
We would like to know as people in the democratic world, at least, which government, which minister, ministry, which department, which media, which companies, are really with us, and which ones are just red in our society, I mean, in the world.
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Reliable news sources (only in Japanese but worth checking using by translation if you can have it.)
Saturday, March 13, 2021
Happy Birthday!
Looks like this.
And my original bottom is like this.
Friday, March 12, 2021
Wish people could understand
what freedom means. If we lose it in US, then where else could have it? Border here means not only about southern border of America, but Japanese islands too.
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Red Sparrow
Since today's Trano mon new was about Russia, I just remembered this movie. A Russian spy, played by Jennifer Laurence. Uwwww, there are many such scenes and feel real to Russia. Just watch this and we can see their cruelty and their struggles too.
And this one was introduced in the news, Japanese old movie, which was pressured by Russia to play when they made it. But they could play in 2010 at last.
Curious to watch it. Maybe I can rent once I go back to Japan, I guess.
今日は虎ノ門ニュースは、ロシアが如何に恐ろしいかというお題だったので、自分がこちらで最近見た方で怖かった映画をご紹介。レッドスパロウ。赤い雀、というタイトルで、ハンガーゲームでお馴染みのジェニファーローレンスが主役の映画です。ハンガーゲームのように騒がれませんでしたが、こっちのがよっぽど、強烈でした。。。😨 こんな訓練をロシアはしているのかと、本当にオソロシアでした。(虎ノ門見た人。。。)
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
The Supreme Court
That's what I don't get it most in US. I don't know how they made this system, but no other nation have such a system to decide guilty or not guilty. How crime will be decided by vote? Crime is crime, violation is violation for everyone's eyes. But here it just doesn't work like this. They like public debate to decide guilty or not guilty? And debate can change their crime?
Vote. There is no vote system in US anymore, isn't it? If there is, why Trump cannot be a president? President is not decided by vote. Election said that enough. Then by what? Threat? Yes. The decision of the court too? Of course, yes. I don't know where we can find freedom. Since freedom ruined too much, Americans wanna use liberty now?
I don't know where we are going but CCP has to use drugs to themselves to keep their genocide actions as long as they were born as human beings. How is the brain of Biden now? Can he speak more than 10 minutes with sanity? That's the end of them. The end.
昨日の虎ノ門ニュースで、トランプが次々に不正選挙に関する訴訟を州にはねのけられているような話が出ていましたが、最高裁が不正選挙を不正と言えない時点で、本当の選挙なんてなかったかのように感じます。国境の話もそうですけど、大統領令って何でもありなんでしょうか? 不正選挙で当選も何もないでしょうが、それを大統領としての位置に置ける? 前もって不正するのが明らかでも出馬出来る所から意味が分かりません。選挙自体が国民をコケにする芝居?アメリカ人は真剣でも最高裁がこれでは最初から意味ないですよね。トランプは無給で働いた上に財産まで取られて、最高裁はマフィア?なのかと思うのは私だけでしょうか?
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Belle Époque (Beautiful Age)
Monday, March 8, 2021
I still don't have any sales yet.
Yet I design at Monomy as I was doing at Redbubble and Zazzle although I totally closed these two accounts. And if you see my things at these designs in the name of BK AWard and buy from these shops, it's totally helping their Chinese stealing business only.
And I am not sure about Monomy, yet as long as I cannot get any sales, It won't work, maybe. And Monomy is only in Japan and they won't sell any to overseas. If you could buy something at Monomy site outside Japan, which means that Chinese copied their original and they make products by themselves with fake stones. And if you these products in these sites, they are just copied by them, and a real Monomy and myself couldn't get any profit. Moreover, Monomy must fail their good reputation of their products too. Wish a company sue them...
My problem is that I like designing but not skillful to make these things...🙄
And if I open my shop with online, it will be just copied by them and cannot get any sales nor contact from real customers, as I cannot get any response here in this blog nor my twitter. As I always write, I have never returned back for comments, email, messages, since myself couldn't see any by their blocking. If you receive some response with my name or shop, it's just by Chinese hackers. And myself did not block anyone on twitter nor this blog things, in case someone misunderstood.
日本帰国時は公共の交通は2週間一切使えず、田舎の弟に空港までピックアップを頼んでいますが、一体政府もどうしたらこんな無茶苦茶な政策になるのか分かりません。電車もバスも使えず、そんなに皆、当日飛行場からピックアップ出来る所に家族親戚が住んでいるのでしょうか。ラインアプリを入れて2週間ビデオで報告って冗談じゃないんですよね? 実家はインターネットもないのに、当日から入れって? それ本当に日本政府なんですか? 強制ではないんです? それとも強制、入れなければ施設に待機? 中国に帰るのかと思いました。もう中国に占領されちゃったんでしょうか? 日本の人達、占領されてても、統治されてても分からない? 菅さんの行動はバイデンと変わらないですよね。息子のスキャンダルまで同じ手口に見えますけど。トランプも安倍さんもコロナにかかって世界中、同じ手口でやられてます。。。
バイデンになってひどいのは南部の国境から移民をコロナ関係なくガンガン入れてることです。リアルアメリカ人は彼らを防ぐ為に壁作ってますよ。菅さんもどんどん元中国人籍の人たち、あちこちに国会に入れてます? リコールを受けているのが本当の日本人で、首都圏の知事達の元々の国籍はどこですか? 中国船で行方不明になった人達っでどこにいるんですか? 当然日本国内じゃないですか? 水に注意してください。避妊は見えないようにもされますよ。不妊が多いのは日本人ばかりで、アメリカではその問題がドラマでやってるほど、高齢以外の理由であるようには思えません。日本の人口問題も意図的にコントロールされているように感じます。
Saturday, March 6, 2021
Swedish Cardamom Buns
I found a NICE recipe in which I can calculate as I like. Here is the one.
- 牛乳 1 カップ (240ml)
- ドライイースト 小さじ2
- 無塩バター大さじ4
- 砂糖 大さじ4
- カルダモン 小さじ1
- 小麦粉 US 3 カップ (1カップ 250ml)
- 塩小さじ 1/4
- 無塩バター 大さじ6
- 砂糖 大さじ6
- カルダモン 小さじ2
Friday, March 5, 2021
Work for Tokyo Olympic (them...)
They might come pretending people in these positions.
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Pineapple Fight
As many of you know, Taiwan need to sell their pineapples to other places since China stooped importing from them. Japan started to import more and Toranomon news said that their pineapple do not have center hard area, which means we don't need to make hole in their pineapple. And they are sweeter than other pineapples. Isn't it good? I didn't know there are such pineapples in the world.
So Taiwan could advertise more than before by this. Once I go back to Japan, wanna try it.
Scandinavian Cardamom Cookies
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
When we found out where we belong
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
How Microsoft stole your account
My skype account was totally stolen by hackers. My payment was connected with Apple so that I tried to change it into just bank card to add skype credit. But I couldn't do it through app so that I entered my microsoft account, add my skype credit, but it was different Skype of mine. Then I could have entered into my skype account in both ways or have to integrate but they don't allow me to do it. I just lost access into my original skype account whose mail was connected with icloud. They have my credit yet but even if I signed out from my outlook account, I cannot enter with icloud mail account skype any more. So they took my account with apple, and with my real name for Skype name. And my new skype account with outlook, I just cannot change my skype name and it keeps my outlook name... Cannot use my name for my skype new account. And my contact info is just in old one. Cannot connect contact in person to integrate my account either. If they have this double account problem, they have to make us solve this problem without giving another account to Chinese hackers!
I cannot log in my old skype account at all with my original Skype name nor with iCloud mail. They just told me to use another account. Until I add my money into outlook account, I couldn't log in my outlook from skype account either yet once I add credit, my account was switched from old into new one only in app and browder both. How it's not by microsoft either? Cannot integrate at all? I checked how to but my screen is not like teaching web.
The problem is my Skype name. People can search with my name, means only they go to my lost account. And I cannot change Skype name of new account which doesn't have my name at all. They recommended to make a new account if I want to change my skype name. That's how they made us many multiple accounts and take it one by one.
Monday, March 1, 2021
Got a lot of scam
Social Security office called today, saying that my SSN was suspended because my SSN was used in Texas where I have never been. The person who used my SSN was using Toyota corolla and drug dealing to Mexico, plus used my ID for TD bank, Chase, and Bank of America. 😱 But the year of issue of my SSN which they told me was different year from the actual year.
But when I went to SSN office web page, they said just calling for the suspension of your SSN by trouble is scam. They would send the official letter, if there is such a trouble....😨
Also I got the letter from IRS today which dated on February 15th, and it said they sent the second stimulus check. I got it $600 already, and wondered what the second mean. The last year's was the first and this year's is the second? I got it on January 1st and why they send the letter now which said I will receive it within 7days and if you don't receive bra bra bra... on that date? Looks like real IRS letter, though. Is Biden working with this scam things together?