Saturday, March 13, 2021

Happy Birthday!

My another daughter became 19 years old today.   I try this and put something else in the bottom for extra sweet.  Just waiting to be firm...

Looks like this.

And my original bottom is like this.

wondered which to be bottom but jelly bottom is correct... maybe just moose might be better but today is special so that I added special one layer, anyway.

By the way, my dream was horrible today.  About Sakhalin and Kamchatka peninsula, and Hokkaido.  I have never been to Hokkaido even though it was my parents' honeymoon place.  In my dream Hokkaido was floating from north to south like down the river.  Maybe it's not Sakhalin if I look back the map in my dream.

I put red dots by myself since I saw dots on the map as their residential area in the dream.  And some people who are subject in the dream were in the left side.  In this dream they are thinking these area as Japan.  

Since Hokkaido was floating and some people were swimming along with Hokkaido, I guess, people might think about the earthquake to Hokkaido.  DS might talk about it like this.


レモンムース 6カップ分

レモン 1個 皮としぼったジュースを使います。
ヘビークリーム (ホイップクリーム) 1 1/4 カップ 300ml
砂糖 1/3カップ、大さじ1 小さじ1 で80g
卵3個 卵黄と卵白分けて使います。
ゼラチン 小さじ2 1/2

1. 卵黄と砂糖とレモンの皮を混ぜます。
2. 別の入れ物で卵白を泡立てます。また別にホイップクリームも泡立てておきます。
3. ゼラチンに水大さじ4を入れ低温で混ぜずに温めます。
4. 3を1に加えて混ぜ、そこへ卵白、ホイップクリームも加えて混ぜます。
5. お好みの容器に入れ、 2時間冷蔵庫で冷やして出来上がりです。最後にレモンゼストを散らしてどうぞ。

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