Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The Supreme Court

That's what I don't get it most in US.  I don't know how they made this system, but no other nation have such a system to decide guilty or not guilty.  How crime will be decided by vote?  Crime is crime, violation is violation for everyone's eyes.  But here it just doesn't work like this.  They like public debate to decide guilty or not guilty?  And debate can change their crime?

Vote.  There is no vote system in US anymore, isn't it?  If there is, why Trump cannot be a president?  President is not decided by vote.  Election said that enough.  Then by what?  Threat?  Yes.  The decision of the court too?  Of course, yes.  I don't know where we can find freedom.  Since freedom ruined too much, Americans wanna use liberty now?  

I don't know where we are going but CCP has to use drugs to themselves to keep their genocide actions as long as they were born as human beings.  How is the brain of Biden now?  Can he speak more than 10 minutes with sanity?  That's the end of them.  The end.

昨日の虎ノ門ニュースで、トランプが次々に不正選挙に関する訴訟を州にはねのけられているような話が出ていましたが、最高裁が不正選挙を不正と言えない時点で、本当の選挙なんてなかったかのように感じます。国境の話もそうですけど、大統領令って何でもありなんでしょうか? 不正選挙で当選も何もないでしょうが、それを大統領としての位置に置ける? 前もって不正するのが明らかでも出馬出来る所から意味が分かりません。選挙自体が国民をコケにする芝居?アメリカ人は真剣でも最高裁がこれでは最初から意味ないですよね。トランプは無給で働いた上に財産まで取られて、最高裁はマフィア?なのかと思うのは私だけでしょうか?


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