Thursday, September 2, 2021

We cannot negotiate with terrorists.

Obviously we can see who the real terrorists are now.  So why we call them the President or  some administration?  US government was taken over by Biden administration who are working with terrorists.

They work together, aren't they?  So why people have to treat them as politicians or something like this?
And if they keep doing so, your lives will be taken by them sooner or later.

Foreign officials cannot contact with Biden unless himself reaches.  He talks not as US president, but what?  As a leader of what?   We know it well enough now.  Even democrats got it well.  We Japanese too.
UK too.  The whole world too.  

But there is the one whom US people actually chose.  So he is the President, isn't he?  Do we need to wait for something to accept him as a president now while we are seeing people getting killed one after another?  The whole world can welcome Trump as a legitimate President of US.   And if we wait longer, more people have to be bleeding for sure, and it's not just US only, but the rest of the world.

So what are we waiting for?  Mid term?  They gonna do worse again.  Since bad appear too bad now, we can know it without any misunderstanding or doubt.  The military in the democratic nations are not working for terrorists.  Then who must be the commander of them?   The military and people need the right commander, not the wrong one who was not chosen.

バイデンが好きなようにやってたら話にならないでしょう? アメリカ人はテロリストに渡されて、残された民主世界は助け船も出せない。トランプとか安倍さんとか、ジョンソンさんて、きっと裏で相談してるかも。。。っていうかそうしていてもらわないと困りますよね。

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