Monday, January 4, 2021

Baked Cheese Cake and Japanese Roast Pork

Only because I wanted to finish my cream cheese and heavy cream, I baked cheese cake this morning.

Based on Japanese famous cook recipe, I baked this one.  Even if I tried to put her link, I cannot do it.  Is this their copied site again? Oh I see, the picture of hers is different, but this is NHK site. it's not young or old, totally a different person... 😑 I wanted to put the recipe, yet their interruption is too much to keep writing here cause I cannot see what I am typing.  will stop it here.チーズケーキ.html

I could put the link but I have no power to translate into English because of their interference.  Not just this, even if I set up normal mode, this writing page goes back to paragraph mode continuously.

The picture of the site looked different from what I could bake, but by this recipe, others cooked the same cakes as mine.  I used half amount of heavy cream of leftover, but the taste of cake was great!  I added the recipe later.

Baked Cheese Cake

cream cheese 200g
heavy cream 200mi
granulated sugar 90g
all purpose flour 3tbs
lemon juice 1tbs
egg 2
butter 30g
biscuits 100g
confectioners sugar for decorating 

1. mix butter and biscuits inside plastic bag for the cake base. (i used cereal instead) Put it 18cm round pan  and cool it in the fridge.
2. mix cream cheese, sugar, eggs with mixer until it's white.
3. Add heavy cream into 2 and whip together until it's heavy.
4. Add shifted flour and mix it with spatula.  Add lemon juice and mix more.
5. Pour 4 into 1, and dropped a few times to be flat.
6. Bake it for 40-45minutes at 325F.
7. After baking, take out from pan and cool it.  Put confectioners sugar as you like.

And I cooked Japanese roast pork which is on the ramen noodle usually, using pork shouldar butt.  If you like authentic ramen with authentic topping, try this one.

Japanese Roast Pork

pork 500g almost bigger 1 lb
soy sauce 4tbs
brown sugar 1.5tbs
ginger and garlic (minced or sliced)
one or two green parts of spring onion (large one is better but I used scallion instead)
water 200ml
Japanese cooking sake 100ml (used cooking red wine instead cause I am in US, you can switch amount of water and alcohol too)

1. put oil in the pan and bake pork whole outside area to be brown.
2. put all ingredients together in the pot, heat up to be boiled a little bit.
3. put pork inside the pot and cook for 60 minutes with lower heat with lid. (turn over by half hour)
4. take out pork and heat up the liquid until thick.
5. Cool down in fridge and slice it as you like.  You can cool down with sauce or separately.

It's surprisingly easy.  I didn't put amount of some ingredients but they are just for sauce. control with your taste.  ☃️

栗原はるみさんのレシピということでチーズケーキを焼いてみたのですが、スフレケーキになりました。。。🥧 スフレは何度か作っていてベイクドチーズケーキが作りたかっただけに残念です。まあ、余り物の材料で作ってクリームも半分で作った割には成功だと思います。一口だけ食べての感想でしたが、一切れ食べたらちゃんと美味しいベイクドチーズケーキでした! ご本人の写真が違っていたので半分レシピを疑ってましたが、レシピは多分合っていると思います。(上にある彼女の写真絶対違いますよね。)



日本にいたら焼き豚は買うものですが、売ってないので作ってみました。ラーメンも買ってこないとありませんが。。。ローストビーフのように食べようかと思ってます。冷蔵庫で冷やし中、思ったよりずっと簡単だったので、トライしてみては? 日本酒もなかったので、料理用の赤ワインで作ったせいかちょっと味が薄かったです。でも美味しいし、タレで味は調整。。。

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