Thursday, January 6, 2022

Don't know how to recognize the real one from fakes but here are some points of our action

Even I started to doubt myself.  Did I loose my conscience sometimes?  Because my brother and mother talked what I said but I didn't know....  It was totally the opposite from what I said...  But both agreed with the opposite thing.  Yet I would like to summarize what I and we should do.

Satan is always here and there no matter what.  Yet within them, how and what we can do?

1. Honest each other.
2. Have courage more than fear.
3. Search for the truth than being cheated.

And they are not easy, but if we are not honest each other, things will be more complicated and easier for satan to intervene between lies.  Next is more external summary of what we should do in a hurry.

1. Stop Beijing Olympic and if it's impossible, just let only them play....need jab anyway, right?  Give another chance to the real athletes.

2.  Reveal the reality of Chinese and Russian economy and leave them alone.  Keep our border.

3.  Take down spy authorities in the world.  From government to the company leaders.

4. Rescue Uyghurs and other minorities

5. Check inflation of the world and stop lefty oil, electric, water, 5G control.

6. Stop killer vaccines and put killer doctors in jail.

7. Have good leaders only meeting behind us, please.  They know who are ok within themselves, right?

And for my personal, without them, I don't think I can meet my kids nor B.  No room to think about any plan in reality without kicking them out!



1 、お互いに正直に。隠し事をするとそれが余計な混乱の元となり、悪い奴らの思う壺です。あと隠した方がいいというのは大体敵が言ってます。当然彼らはその方が都合がいいでしょうから、あらゆる理由を付けてきます。


3、騙されてないで真実を探しましょう。自分も騙されやすい方ですが、やはり外人から見たら日本人ほど騙される民族はいないのではないでしょうか? 面白いほど簡単に騙せるというのが外人さんの意見でしょう。平和ボケもほどほどにと思います。ということで、密かに兵役の義務化希望。自衛隊でもきちんと国を守れるようなレベルの法律改正付きで。






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