Thursday, February 25, 2021

Girls' Day

March 3rd is the girls' day in Japan, which is called "Dolls' festival"....😑 It's called Momo no Sekku in Japanese.  Momo means pink flowers in this doll set.  Sekku means seasonal festival.  

My grandpa of mother side bought me this 7 tier set when I was born.  Almost like this since they don't change the traditional design so much.  Tools must be the same style exactly as what I have still in my mother's place.  They are the things which bride's side brings when they got married in the old Japan.  My mother is one of seven siblings but I was the first girl within grandchildren for my grandpa.  So I was the lucky one within cousins.  I got jealous from my girl cousin by this at that time...  My brother was not the first boy within cousins so that my parents bought him boys set...

The reality was not just fancy as it looks, but hard to set up, put them back on time (if it's late to put them back, it's said that the girl would be late to get married.)  Harder than Christmas tree.  Need more caution to take each doll out from each box...Can you imagine?  And my mother was keeping wrap around tool set  to prevent color fade...  One room is occupied by this and we small kids around there.  But it's beautiful and lights are up at night.  I gave up to deliver this to US for my daughters because delivery fee must be $4000...

I found my picture.  Look at this.


まあ、でも飾るの本当に大変ですよね、これ。。。綺麗だけど、夜は盆ぼりに照らされたお雛様達が子供心に怖かったのを覚えてます。。。 虎ノ門では魔除けと言ってたけど本当かな? 逆に入られてるようなイメージですけど。日本人形とか、西洋系でも基本、本格的な人形ってエクソシストなイメージですけど。。😨 写真の左にあるちょっと見えてない日本人形、もっと怖かったです。。。

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