Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Another Monomy Pick up and added powerstone to my shop name

I decided to focus my jewelry design as powerstone jewelry.  And since it's a little bit confused with my Redbubble shop, I changed my jewelry shop name into BK AWard Powerstone.  Because I have to name the shop in monomy within 15 letters, I gave up whole English name and used Japanese for powerstone.  So officially it BKAWardパワーストーン.  (Gave up even spaces...😶) 

And another one was picked up at Monomy.

It's made of Yellow jade, Moonstone, and Peridot.  Here are matching jewelry too.  Peridot has the meaning of happiness, conjugal love, harmony, and peace.  The brightness like sun will remove minus energy and fulfill your dream.  The stone has power to be positive.  Also the birthstone of August.  And this stone are mainly in US, especially in Hawaii.  🥰   

And I am making my website which can explain more meaning of stones and easy to find the same stone jewelry.  Still on the way, please wait for it coming.

お店の名前をBK AWard パワーストーンに変更しました。スペースはこのようにしたかったのですが、15文字以内という制限があったので、monomyの中では字が全部くっついてます。😅 あと、上記写真にあるペリドットのイヤリングがモノミーでピックアップされました! こちらも3点セットになりますので、他のリンクもチェックしてみてください。分かりやすく見れるウェブサイトも構築中なので、お待ちくださいませ。。。🎁

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