Saturday, January 9, 2021

More Trump Goods

I changed some designs too.  On last Friday, Japanese Toranomon News said Biden became a President officially.  Is that true or fake?  Before I heard that kind of news in the past ones but it was not actually.  What Mr. Takeda was talking sounds always skeptical.  He said that pointing name is not good, but we can point out commenters in public place, right?  Do we have to accept their lies continuously?  If the information is not relevant, how they can speak about it as news?  I can guess that program got threat that they have to mix the fake news, but then, how we can know the right information?  Fake news shouldn't be a common sense as they like as long as you can handle their threat whatever it is.  

And how about this?  I saw one news about Xi Jingping lost his position on Youtube, but couldn't find the same topic after that.  Is it fake news too or true?  If it's fake, why are they doing this even to themselves?  Then they think that they can excuse another fake news about US too?   We don't mind if they lie to themselves because they know that's fake, but for our side, of course we mind! because we don't know whether if's fake or not!!!

By the way, this is a link for Trump goods again.

What I like is this clock, cause it was not easy to settle this design, though it doesn't look difficult.

英語で書いた後、同じことを日本語で書く時はよっぽどそのことが言いたい時だと自分で思ってますが、全く同じことを書いている時は基本的にないと思ってください。これは自分の英語の訳文ではありません。上の写真は作り直したトランプグッズです。軍隊に守られている状態というのは本当でしょうか? とにかく大変だと思うので、グッズで応援に気合を入れたい人々はどうぞお使いくださいませ。まだ私の目には一件のセールスもないのでセールス引き続いてます。どうぞよろしくお願いします。😵


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