Friday, January 29, 2021

Lapis Lazuli


I had better not think about sales or money anymore.  This is the communist world here.  I cannot get out from their network and all my profit would be taken by them whatever site I use.  When I tried to do by myself, my website was totally hacked even if I paid and took my own domain.  My printer didn't work so that I threw away.  What difficult is there is no motivation without visible result even if we get minimum welfare.  I cannot afford cutting hair too.  I don't know how to get out because I tried to get out from there from NJ, from Manhattan, even in Japan.  At least thirty people were waiting for me at airport when I arrived in Japan, pretending US government faces...   Ambulance which carry some spirit came to airport as I see them here....    Monomy must be what they do too.  All design things must be made by them, somehow.  If not, they just bought these companies.   Anyway that's why i don't want to put the link anymore but wanna remember what I designed in case there would be a chance for the future.  I see how their parents generation try to manipulate their kids generation to keep their world.  But I understand why these kids lost their mind and motivation.  This is tyranny's social system which destroys people in several ways.

That's how soviet has collapsed in the end while left over old head people try to revive it.  China is different because they are still on the way to be rich as a society.   Chinese government is more clever to hide what they are doing behind by total media control like this.  People might have no idea about genocide and just think that their life became better because they work hard.    It's not just that.  Countless people were killed by Chinese government in the back.

Lapis lazuli has the power to get the true happiness by facing your own life.

Good for us.

レッドバブルで自分がオーダーしたものも予定の日が過ぎても音沙汰ありません。IJが届けようと思うまで届かないので、待つしかないです。どんな不正に対してもやめないサイキックに言っても無駄なのでアメリカの真の政府は移動したのでしょうか? 見た目も化けられて成りすます以上サイキックでない地球人には手の施しようがないし、良いサイキックの人も彼らの尻拭いをし続けるのも難しいでしょう。せめて悪い宇宙人が地球に飽きてくれたらいいのですが、自分の星だと弱いのか去ろうとしませんね。。。😑この自分がやってるデザインの会社はオンラインを使って悪い宇宙人が自分の星に帰ろうとする他の悪い宇宙人を引き止めるいい手段らしいです。なんで自分がその狭間にいないといけないのか分からないです。。。

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