Thursday, February 27, 2025

Thursday, December 19, 2024


その税金払わなくていい枠を上げろという話をしてるんですよね? ちなみに払う場合は

いくらまでなら控除とか言われて働く時間を増やさない言い訳を聞かされました。(今の職場ではありません。)夫婦だと控除になるからと同性婚を認めろとただの同性の同居人が税金逃れをしようとしているのに似ていますよね? だからその税金控除の細かいことでああだこうだと議論すること自体が何も意味のある議論に聞こえないし、まあとにかく払いたくない働きたくない人たちの言葉だと思ってます。

その控除額ギリギリの人たちにとっては別れ目かもしれませんが、ある程度超えてしまえば普通に税金払うだけのものですよね? 大体主婦がそんなに長時間元々働きたいと思いますか? 本当の同性愛者を無視して、本当の主婦を無視して、一部の左翼が騒いでる話に過ぎないと思ってるので、国民民主の戯言に乗せられているフリをしている有権者だとも思ってます。結局反日勢力に投票する言い訳がしたいのでしょう。立憲や維新に入れてもバレバレになってきたから。騙されているフリをして反日勢力を担ごうとする在日でしょう。


なんで国を捨ててきたのに同じようにしようとするんですか? だからウマシカさんって言われるんじゃないですか? おかげさまでGDPが上がりませんよ。で議員達だけが夜の店で税金使ってるのを許しとくって? 安易に入る金だけに身を寄せるのは自国でだけやって欲しいけど、そういう人間ばかりで競争率が激しいから日本という島にやって来たって訳ですよね?

Friday, November 22, 2024


Afriya`s attack to Conservative Party is a betrayal to Uyghur community itself and too rude to Ms. Arimoto who made herself in risk for Uyghurs.  She got even a car crash to attend Uyghur meeting.  How dare to make such an accusation to such a person?  Arfiya really doesn't have a Chinese nationality?

アルフィヤの言動はウイグル民族の為に文字通り命懸けで尽力を尽くしてきた有本さんに対して失礼という言葉では足りない。それはナチスから逃れる為にユダヤ人に命のビザを発給してくれた日本人に対してユダヤ人が唾を吐きかけてるようなものだ。日本人に河野太郎(中国人か韓国人かも)がいるように、ウイグル人にアルフィヤがいる。一緒につるんでいるのが何よりの証拠だし、二人とも親子代々国賊という点でそっくり。スパイも何もこの二人は本当に中国籍を保持してませんか? ウイグルの為に怪我までした有本さんにこの言動とは怒りが悔しさが収まらない。撃たれたトランプをまだ叩き続けるアメリカ人や亡くなった安倍さんをまだ責め続けられる左翼活動家と変わらないクズ。

いつまでクズでい続けるのか? 恩を仇で返すのが得意技らしいけど、いい加減にして欲しい。

Sunday, October 6, 2024

How they cheat their people and us.

I can tell you how they cheat or manipulate us.

For example, I had a dream this morning.  Princess Kate was reading Japanese book fluently in that dream. OK, this is just the dream.  In reality, now they are blocking me and an English woman to start exchanging letters.  We try to be pen pals but they are blocking our beginning exchange of emails.  And I had such a dream.  What does it mean?  They want others think that my new pen pal might be Kate behind or something like this.  That's how they make their blocking reason a larger.  Otherwise, other bad ones won't cooperate with them for their silly blocking, wasting their time.  

Maybe Princess might be able to read Japanese, but that's not the reason why they showed me such a dream.   I had three kinds of dreams this morning but won't explain each because they just wanna cheat other spirits who can see my dreams.

This was an example using dream.  Next one is the real cheating in our daily life.  They wanna hide my shift in my work place no matter what.  Then how they will do it?  We will have a big event soon.  My coworker told me we will go there as an event recipient by turns but I don't need to be there.  But when I saw my shift right after she said, I am supposed to be there for two days.  And I am not sure this gonna happen either because they often change it on that day even after I go there for a moment.  They cheat spirits by saying since the real thing is different and manipulate real people by actually switching our places continuously.  

Being surrounded by such people is like this every day.  They gonna change even my residential address in real soon too because they need more reasonable reason to steal my letters and packages, separating me from my kids and from those who help us.  Even now they block my letters saying there are the same address with the same numbers.  And there is no the same number for our addresses in reality.  Of course not.  They just show some ignorant people the map with the same numbers on the web or in prints.  And there is a name plate on my house gate with alphabet and Chinese character both, and my family name is not so usual name as theirs.  There is no excuse for them not to deliver my letters to me anyway.  But they won't stop it.  They switch the content of others sent me too.


そうしないと悪いのもより悪い方の命令なんて聞きませんから、あらゆる嘘をついてまずは自分の仲間から騙す訳です。まあお互いあまり嘘をつきすぎて自分でどれが嘘か分からなくなるくらいついているでしょうから、結局やっていることも支離滅裂なことも多い訳です。嘘に嘘を重ねてますから本当に信頼出来ないし、何を言っても私たちも常に半分くらいに聞いてますが、現実は半分どころか全く信じる価値がありません。そういう人達と働いていて楽しいですか? 疲れますよね。1日中これですから本当に毎日疲れる訳です。なんで悪霊達はこれが楽しいんですかね? 狐は人をばかすのが好きと言うのはまさにこのことです。彼らは嘘をついては楽しんでるだけですから相手にする方が疲れると言う訳です。まあでも最近は嘘が結構バレバレで彼らもストレス溜まってますよ。私たちよりね。。。ストレスチェックの結果でもお互いに見てください。笑

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

How to make blueberry bagel


I made this for the first time and it was really good so that I decided to write down the recipe here.

bread flour 300g
instant dry yeast 3g
salt 3g
blueberry(frozen or flesh) 100g
lukewarm water 100g
sugar 2 tablespoons

1. Pour dry yeast and thawed or flesh blueberries (pushed with folk) into lukewarm water in a small pot, mix them well, leave it for 10 minutes covered with lid.

2. Put bread flour and salt in the bowl and pour 1 into them.  Mix well to make a good dough.

3.  Divide them into four. Flat them using a rolling pin.  Roll flat dough and make a circle with a light twist.  Close the connecting point well.

4.  Make a boiled water with sugar in the pot.  Put each dough upside down for 40 seconds to 1 minute in the boiled water (but not too much boiled after putting them).  Turn over each and boil for the same amount of time.  Take out them from the pot and put all on the parchment paper on the rack.

5. Bake them for 15 minutes at 200C to 220C in the toaster or oven.

6. Bake longer if you think if it's not enough.  

7.  Cool down for a while.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Who are around me as invisible ones?

Who are actually chasing me continuously?  Are they Moons?  Then, why are they chasing me?  Since when are they chasing me?  Since I was a kid?  For what?  Why?  I still have no idea for this but can see that they chase others too.  Though they are invisible sometimes, or they are visible as human beings, as animals, they are still following me.  I am not a medium but they use my brain, my dreams, my SNS, my figures, cell phones, to hide their messages each others, like communist messages.   I can hear their voices even when I am awake yet I don't know why they talk like this because I have no idea what they are talking about.  Maybe that's why they use my six senses for their communication.   

Today I remembered the Japanese oldest story, about the girl from the moon and tried to find the content online and read it.  She was found in the bamboo tree and raised by elders.  Gold were found inside the bamboo tree so that they could give her a good life too.  One day she said her people will come to pick her up, to go back to the moon.  Although people tried to stop it, no one could resist the power from her people.  So she forgot all about the earth after wearing some clothing and went back to the moon.  The end.

Wish they go back to the moon or wherever they come from with forgetting all of us on earth.  Interestingly the girl said that her people had no feeling.  That's interesting to know about it.  They must be the same too.  Then we can understand why they are acting like this continuously.  Acting for nothing.
Globalist said that they had no hatred.  No personal hatred but they don't stop interfering our lives, they don't stop even hurting us, physically and spiritually.  They can do it because they have no emotion for their action.  No regret, nothing.  But why they do these things?  For their amuse?  Maybe.  

The problem is, then how we can handle these beings like them?  Are they just dead people?  Because they died already, they don't fear anything.  They have nothing to lose because they are dead?  They read my minds and make fun of it, lying continuously without hesitation.  No hesitation to hurt others.  They must look down on us because we can see it easily from their lies, from their words.  But they ask us respect to them?  Respect to terrorists?  If we show it just by words or action, do they really can think that we have real respect to them?  Only who are cheated must have it.  But once we know their true self, how is it even possible?  Wish they can read our real feelings whatever we say to them.

Thursday, August 15, 2024




嘘か本当か彼の腰が撃たれた夢も見ているし、彼が三途の川を渡っていたような夢も見ています。現実に脅しを受けるし、善霊も脅しを受ける訳です。安倍さんが亡くなったのは事実ですし、このことを考えると私の中にいる霊たちが私を通して私の感情に関わらず、大泣きするのです。それは霊界にとって、天使達にとって、どれだけ悔しく悲しいことでしょうか? どれだけ人類にとっての損失でしょうか?



日光東照宮に彼らはいつも私たちを連れて行きたがりますが、そこで見せたいものは何ですか? 品のない下品な装飾の建物と、見ざる、言わざる、聞かざるですか? これは智恵ではないんですよ。脅しでしょう。そうやって生きろという権力者からの脅しでしょう。

一言も話せないですよ、彼は。日本だけじゃないですよ、世界中でそうだという話です。ただ日本にいるとそれをひどく感じるのは、自分自身がここでネイティブスピーカーだからでしょう。毎日の嫌がらせも大変ですが、皆そのように生きたいですか? 永遠にそのように生きて、その人生に何の意味がありますか? それでお金をもらえれば幸せですか? 満足ですか? それで人々の心情を踏み躙って自分達の主張が出来ればそれで満足な人達が世界を牛耳っている訳です。権力争いでお互いに殺し合いながらです。この世に生を受けたことを感謝していますが、本来の生きる目的を全うし得ないところが、残念な訳です。地を這いつくばりながら生きている虫達と変わらないようですが、私は虫になっても、自分は虫でいいとは全く思いません。

安倍さんが撃たれた時、流れ弾を避けようと伏せもしないでただその瞬間を見ようとしている人達というのは、自分は大丈夫だという確信のある人達ですか? 誰にも当たりませんでしたね。死んだ霊は実体化していますか? 事実はどうなっているんです? 悪魔に囲まれている中で語っていましたか? 悪魔はいるでしょう。彼らは神出鬼没です。まさにこの言葉がピッタリです。意味的には合っていますが、漢字は正反対というところが何とも言えませんね。