Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Psychic is cheating psychic kids

When I saw dreams which seem totally lie, I wonder if whom they are cheating through my dream.
First I thought they are cheating dead people, and second I thought they are cheating psychic kids who are in neighborhood of my house.

Today's dream which are also full of lies.  Himeka appeared as a baby with fake of me.  Someone pretends me in the neighborhood with a baby.  Also Korean people got frenzy toward unification of North and South.  And fake me is thinking that it will be difficult to stop this.  The fact is that South Korean wouldn't unification of Korea because they don't want feed North.  (I wonder how they could be like this toward a real direct family, though.)  When President Moon was a president, his policy was completely with North of tyranny.  No Koreans in Korean peninsula would't want that kind of unification.

If unification of Korea is realized now, it will be North side unification, even South will be a communist country which cannot have any freedom.  Once US opened the southern border, then criminal are coming into US so that American people need the wall.  Likewise, South Korea needs the wall for now until at least South people also stop lying, cheating, stealing, and start working by themselves.  And once they can afford feeding North by their own labor, they can think about democratic unification.  As long as you are walking around on the street all over the world, it will be just the poorest unification of communism.  That's why I recommend Koreans go to South Korea, work hard there, instead of just attending donation asking movement, whether it's religion or disaster fund since it just feed you and give weapons to North Korea.

Moons are from North, definitely.  If you want save North, work in south, work means real job, by the way, not freelancer, work at least as a full time worker, not as a volunteer for NPO.  US military in South can guide you how to lead the unification of Korea, in the end.  Vote to the good one to be the president if you can find the good one in Korean Peninsula.

You can go to Korea, not to US, if you want the democratic society to your people.

Friday, March 17, 2023


これで彼らは人々を騙してるらしい。しかも内緒で元旦那が計画しているという意味の分からない嘘で!  何故再婚している彼が私をアメリカに呼ぶという設定に周りが納得してるのかというと、おそらく彼は再婚はしていないという嘘もつかれているのだろう。両者合意での離婚であり、そこに口うるさいどっかの北朝鮮系スパイと化した教会系仮面を被った工作員が動いていない限り、こんな馬鹿げたデマが私の知らない所で広まっている理由はないだろう。

日本人は島国だから本当に意味がない出鱈目や作り話によく騙される。騙す方はさぞかし騙しがいがあることだろう。私達のお互いの会話自体を禁じられ、見張られてるので真実が伝わりにくいのはしょうがないかなと思うけど、まあ有る事無い事、口で息をする様に彼らは平気で嘘をつき続けてます。偽物の自分まで横行してるから知らない人が騙されるのは仕方ないとしても職場の人まで騙してるのはいい加減にして欲しい。まあ蛇と分かってて入れてる以上、毒をもられるのは当然なんだけど、まあ信じるに値しない作り話を言い続けるのはやめて欲しいと同時に、信じるのもいい加減にやめて欲しい。。。  まあつかなくてもいい嘘までついて自分の職場での立場を弱くしようと工作し続ける人達。。。

仙台って日本海側だったでしょう? だけど今何を見ても福島の上になってるんだけど。。。


涙を流して語るのも、目の前で倒れるのも、彼らの専売特許だと思って、まあドラマ学科で習ってる人も多いだろうし、彼らの学校で習ってるのもそんな所でしょう。小西議員の嘘つきぶりを見れば分かるように、恥も外聞もなく、躊躇なく誰が見ても聞いても明らかな嘘をつき、非のない相手を平気で責め続けられる。これが彼らのやり方であり、性質ですよ。DNA鑑定も要らなそうな顔だしね。問題は議員にそういうのがいっぱいいそうなこと。。。😰 見栄っ張りで 地位とか名誉を好む人達だからね。。。
