Wednesday, May 25, 2022

The New World Order

They irritate us too much.  And we have reawakening against this.

The content of YouTube is so limited but Japanese cannot go to Rumble easily since most of us don't understand English very well.  

By the way the reason why English education for Japanese is poor is because there was GHQ or some country's interference.  Teachers' Union is controlling Japanese public school system deeply.  

How do we fight against the globalist?  To the Great Reset?  The Great Reset looks just killing people without hesitation using virus, vaccine, shooting, knives, war and so on.  Birth controlling with vaccines to stop the certain linage.  

WHO is the center of more controlling the world using various kind of virus, pandemic.  Obviously their words for health doesn't make sense at all.  It's not scientific, it's not lawful.  Worse than mafia.  

We cannot keep silence to this.  Having masks all the time?  Your new born babies have masks?  To stop their breathing?  Masks to kill kids?  And who believe that is scientific, actually?  Nobody.  Then why do we have to follow this?  Because all of us are under tyranny, already.  Cannot find any other reason that all of us follow that silly things.

They hand us more order one after another as long as we follow without resistance.  Such an easy job for them.

So what do we do?  Keep following their order?  Is that our life?  Breathing like this until we die?
Without words?  Dogs might bark at least if such things are put on their mouth.

My surprise was even Americans had masks when wuhan virus started.  Imagined easily Japanese would do it without hesitation because we used to have masks when we got cold.  But why Americans?   Even under Trump administration at that time.  How it was possible?  

We got that virus to the scary level in the beginning in US.  That's why?  But Japanese didn't get to that extent, yet we still have masks.  Our situation was totally different.  That's more silly of Japanese people now.  And how much are we blind, yet?

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