Tuesday, February 2, 2021

If I try to go back to Japan

I have to submit the proof of not having covid virus with the test result within 72 hours before departure.  There are Japan embassy directed hospital and clinic in Manhattan and NJ.  But it's far away from my departure airport.  So does it mean all people have to stop by Manhattan?  My phone call to embassy was not connected but switched into voice mail only though they said their phone job is open today too.  Didn't switch in waiting process, twice.  And we cannot use public transportation for 14 days after arrival in Japan. So how I can be home?  have to ask family or relatives in far away?  ask them to drive one or two hours to pick me up?  plus have to install line app to show where to go.  

Looks like totally that's what Chinese people can think of, isn't it?  Of course, they uninstall line app right away and we Japanese keep such an app at least for 14 days as directed, right?  And they would be picked up by what?  Black van or ambulance?  That's what they do and those who are not related with them have to have difficulty to go back!  and we have to use their rental car companies (that must be so their business) to go home if no relatives can pick me up?   And what 14 days means?  What they gonna do during these 14 days?  By giving them 14 days to connect Japanese online network, how much they can do at hotels?  Also Japanese have to have mask even at home?  Waiting period for the corona virus, we can walk to their hotel from airport and stay there.  A nice business of them too.  How safe are these hotels?  Safer than restaurants outside?   Even here, I can get virus easily without going outside.  Cold , flu, whatever.  Bunch of people from many countries, sounds so safe...😑  The hotel in walking distance is not government thing, right?  What a business by stopping people to use public transportation and sending them to that hotel?  14 days?  Yet Chinese people come to these hotels?  For what?   For the profit behind them?  The owner of these hotels are pretending Japanese?   This is just my guessing only, believe or not, that's your choice.  While our school and business are closed, Chinese business are open in US, in Japan.  How each government can leave this as it is and close more?  Who wanna close our business?  Quad can make things better?  Does England really come?

日本に帰国しようと思って外務省や領事館のサイトを見ると72時間以内のコロナウイルスの検査結果を日本の空港で提出しなければならない上に、領事館の指定する病院はNJでたったの1件、あとはマンハッタンやブルックリンで、提出出来なければ日本で空港なのかどこなのか3日間の待機、家に帰るのにも証明に関わらず14日間、公共交通機関の使用禁止、ラインアプリは全員入れなければならず、14日間自宅待機。2時間も3時間もの距離を知り合いか家族に運転して迎えに来させろという指定ですか? じゃあ空港からバスは出てないんですか?  出てるなら空港に14日待機ですか? 領事館に電話で問い合わせようとしたら途中で留守電に切り替わって繋がりません。2回ともです。メールでの問い合わせ先も以前のように出ていません。



日本はコロナが一番少ない方だと思ってますが、それでも病院は混んでいるんですか? 田舎の弟がお正月病院に行ったら混んでいるので車の中で待機する様に言われたと言ってました。入ったらすいていたらしいですけど。総合病院は午前中だけオープンとかって、意味分からないです。総合病院がクローズしてるから個人病院が忙しい? 誰が個人病院やってるんですか、じゃあ。緊急措置も出ていない栃木ですけど。彼らは病院も使ってやりたい放題ですね。菅さんはこれ放置ですか? それとももっと締め付けて日本経済破綻させるつもりですか?

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