Thursday, January 7, 2021

Save America Rally video and USA Trump goods

The result was yesterday.....  Where was Pence?  Anyway I made something for Trump supporters, cause some Japanese people wanted such things too.  Also people at Capital yesterday, they had hand writing posters.  Check my shop for your next move.  There are mask, t-shirt , cups, posters, pins and so many more.

I couldn't see through my link yesterday because it was continuously switched into fake network which played only their music that didn't even play there.   Found this video but his voice was off until almost 3:00. After three minutes, we could hear it clearly.  Couldn't find the video with this enough volume of sound last night.  Biden said "Let's get rid of America first," Trump said.  And what Biden is trying to be?  

How many times you have been counting, or will be counting, they won't stop to change the numbers, right?  What we care is how it's acceptable for Americans?  How Biden can be eligible in this situation?  Is there constitution?  How all illegal actions can go through in front of all Americans so easily?  Forget about Chinese accusations toward our mistakes, wrongness, and what?  Yeah, we are not perfect.  But are we OK to lose this nation?

The congress had better decide the important things without telling people loudly like yesterday cause that is ruined like yesterday.  We don't want riots by China inside us yesterday.  Violence is by them, and spread by media.  That's their pattern, including Black Matters. We got tired of their performance...🥵 


このアメリカで民主主義の恩恵を受けているコミュニストの人もアメリカが中国になっても本当にいいのでしょうか? 今だってメディアコントロールを受けていて、もうそれ以外のものは無くなるんですよ。本当の音楽も聴けなくなるし、面白い映画も見れなくなるし、そういう自由はなくなるんですよ。昨日の暴動はトランプ側を装った中国サイドの行動っていうのも分かる人はよーく分かってます。いつものことですから。暴動を起こすのは彼らですよ。自分達でやってそれを民主サイドが起こしてるように報道する。そう言えば分からない人も分かりますか? うーん、いいサイト見つけました。その中のワオーと思ったこのビデオ、すぐにリンクを変えられまくってましたが、これです。


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