Saturday, January 23, 2021

My bracelet was picked up at Monomy💕

I totally misunderstood that people can buy only within app.  We could design within their app but can purchase at their web site.  And my bracelet yesterday was picked up by shop and now on the first page of their shop area.  Here is a link.

And I made more yesterday, hopefully some of them would be a gift to men too.  Free shipping now within Japan.  😳  And this is direct link to my shop.

This one is the no 2 popular bracelet after yesterday's.  Made of real pearls with cherry quartz.

By the way, hackers could act too much and quick because even the shop link appeared wrongly when I first checked their shop page.  I just figured out the right URL with my guessing and it worked...

昨日ここでご紹介したターコイズのブレスレットがMonomyでピックアップされて、トップページに載りました! ブログから訪ねてくださった方々、ありがとうございます♪  自分の勘違いでアプリ内だけでなく、Monomyのウェブサイトから直接買えるようです。上記のリンクから直接見れますし、送料も今なら無料なのでチェックしてみてください。日本国内のみの配送なので自分も含めて在米の人は買えませんが、日本に住んでいる人へのギフトなら可能です! 今日の写真はターコイズの次に人気の出た真珠とチェリークォーツのブレスレットで、5650円です。男性の方々、バレンタインのギフトに絶対喜ばれますよ。。。💝

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