Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Lilla Lyng Dress

And this is the link for this series.

I made my price back to the original since I doubt my fake site would be separated from original site, and they gonna suspend my account in their site and there is no way for me to open the original site cause I cannot remove cash from the original redbubble. Then I cannot fix my price and cannot upload my design any more.  Yet at least my account would remain unless hackers close it and can sell in their original site.   That's what I guess and wish they won't change my registered bank account there too.  Wish someone could remove all my cashed pages.

For a few days, I focus on the news, then what happens?  They put a bunch of fake news for my eyes so that I don't know what's the right news anymore again.  For example,  Trump was kicked out from golf places, cannot have money from German bank. Not just me, other readers have questions about these things.  What is this?  Are they really happening and then what kind of world are we living?  Or are they all fake news?  Yet why are they continuously faking us like this?  Like emergency alert thing.  It's just their thing, confusing us a lot.  They said DC's electricity was down yesterday, but I don't think so.  What I see on the news, media are all imaginary world like my nightmares.  

Their lies are too fat!  That's what I can say.... Yet even if images (his face looks different, isn't he?) are made up by them, this video is good to see and I really like his songs....Ed was used too much by them causes I saw him in the dramas too many times and I don't think that he played as an guest actor in real.

Why these are happening?  I guess at least three psychics are around me at once for 24 hours a day?  Why?  They placed their people including communist spies around me and they can control all of them through what I see and what I hear, even through what I feel.  Even through what I feel is totally absurd but I guess that they are drugged too.


トランプのツイッターのアカウント停止という話はこういうことじゃないかと疑ってます。彼らが取り敢えずツイッターのトランプのアカウントを見れなくしていて、本当のトランプのアカウントは本当のツイッターのサイトでは機能しているのではないかと疑ってます。違いはトランプはキャッシュされたサイトなんて取れるので本人やアメリカ人には大した問題ではないんだろうなということです。自分が難しいのはハッカーズだけでなく、サイキックが私の全て見るものを速攻コントロールしていることです。私の予想では少なくとも一度に3人のサイキックが交代で24時間私に付きまとっていることです。何故か? そのサイキックグループの人間が私の周りに配置されていて彼らの思想コントロールは私を通じて出来るからです。

そこで一言。悪い宇宙人は自分達の星へ帰れ! 😖

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