Friday, January 22, 2021

Chocolate Bread (failed...)

Still on the way and i put Japanese recipe first to clear my head to finish it.

I can write down in English but check pictures in the linked page to see how to fold it.  I used the easiest way to make chocolate sheet so that it doesn't fit to the linked page.

Chocolate bread

For chocolate sheet

cocoa powder 3 tbs

corn starch 1 tbs

bread flour 1 tbs

granulated sugar 5 tbs

milk 120 ml

For bread

bread flour 250g 

butter 20g

granulated sugar 20g

salt 4g

skim milk powder 10g

dry yeast 3g

water 170 ml

  1. for chocolate sheet, shift cocoa tbs3, bread flower tbs 1, corn starch tbs 1, and mix with sugar tbs 5
  2. put 120 ml milk into 1, and heat 2 min in microwave 
  3. take out and mix it and 1 min microwave
  4. mix it and another 30 sec microwave 
  5. mix it with spatula and make rectangle 10cmx20cm
  6. for bread, 1.6 cup (250g) of bread flour, 1.6 tbs sugar, 0.7 tsp salt, water 170ml, dry yeast 3g, and powdered skim milk 0.8 tbs mix them all.
  7. knead well and add butter.  Knead more and make it a ball.  Wrap it and lay it for one hour until it's double size.
  8. take out gas by hit strongly and put 15 min more with covered by wet cloth.
  9. make it 25cm square and put chocolate sheet on it.
  10. and cover chocolate sheet top und down by bread
  11. Roll and make it rectangle 15cmx35cm and tri fold it.
  12. repeat 11 two more times.
  13. Slice them into three and make braid
  14. put it in the rectangle pan and ferment it one hour in the lowest oven heat. 35C (95F) or room temperature until 80% size.
  15. bake 30 min at 180C (360F).  check on the way and cover with foil in case it might be burnt.
  16. After taking out from oven, drop it to remove steam, cool it before slicing.
Wow, when I tried to form by rolling and tri fold, chocolate got out and made mess.  So that I will put another picture to do it smarter.  This is 40cm length but looks easier.

I was working at bakery in Japanese famous department store and people lined up for this chocolate bread every day.  Let's see how I can make it.  I published this blog on the way but I will put a photo later if I could make it well.


The result is....

Actually it's not good.... taste was ok but not enough fermentation in the first stage.  I think it's because amount of dry yeast is wrong.  All recipe which I could see in my web browser is bread flour 250g and dry yeast 3 or 4g which is half amount that I always use...  And it really didn't double at first stage.  I processed anyway because cannot add yeast later.  Forget about my linked recipes above.  Both.  So disappointed because cuoka is Japanese famous baking stuff selling company like king author here.  My chocolate sheet is ok but not just the amount of yeast, but I doubt the first process of this baking in any recipe.  Should have used real milk too.

味は良かったけど写真通り発酵不足で失敗です。リンクしたレシピは多分二つとも間違っているので参考にしないようにしてください。ドライイーストの量がどのレシピも普通の半量しか書いていないので疑ってみたもののリンクした二つだけでなく、どこもかしこも同じ量なので従いましたが、やはり中国人にやられた模様です。。。イーストを1パックの7gに変えて、あと、牛乳を使ってぬるくした所にイーストを最初に入れて15分間待ってから後のものをミックスすれば普通になると思いますが、またやり直したら書き込みます。にしても残された半分のイーストの使い道が。。。😑 ちなみにチョコレートシートだけは完璧です。普段パンを焼いてる人はこれを入れたらいいと思ってください。。。

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